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Please fill out the Puppy Questionnaire below. Fill out each box or it WILL NOT SEND! The "SEND" button is at the bottom of this page.  Thank you.

General Information

Our goal is to breed as close to the AKC breed standard as possible. The standard is up for individual interpretation and don't be lead a stray by any breeder who says they breed dogs that fit the standard of perfection-why would they then continue breeding? We do not guarantee temperament once the dog leaves my environment. Any number of things can affect how a dog matures and what it's final personality will be like--all which I as a breeder cannot foresee. But it is our attempt to make sure that the puppy you take home has as stable of a temperament as possible, having been exposed to as many different situations as possible.

Thinking about breeding dogs is a huge responsibility. It's not something that should be taken lightly, and it shouldn't be done for a host of reasons. If I wasn't committed to the improvement of the breed (health, temperament, structure), and showing my dogs, I WOULD NOT BREED! Many backyard breeders feel that just because person A has a boy and person B has a girl, let's breed them! This is totally ludicrous! Every thought and concern is presented prior to even looking for a stud. Am I ready to breed a litter? Do I have the time and funds necessary to care for a litter? Once these questions are answered then its time to look at the dogs.

First, finding a stud dog that is as nice as the bitch or better, and having a bitch that is equally happy, outgoing and socialized are important. Once all health clearances are evident its agreed upon by both stud dog owner and bitch owner, it is hoped that by breeding for breed improvement, healthy, happy, socialized puppies is the main goal. Not only must you look at both parents seriously before breeding, but you must do your homework and research both lines that you are about to mix together. Will they blend nicely? Are they related? Would another dog be more suitable? What should I expect from this breeding? What about the whelping? Will it go smoothly? Will there need to be veterinarian assistance? What about all the vet visits for the puppies check ups and vaccines? Also socializing the puppies and finding their true personalities, trying to figure out show potential versus companion quality puppies. Even with the most homework, the entire litter won't be show quality!

If you think that is bad, try finding homes for all these little puppies that you've grown to love and invest so much of your time and love into them. I couldn't just let them go to any home. Screening potential homes is much harder. Responsible, reputable breeders evaluate the potential homes just as they evaluate the puppies, and try to make the perfect match. Puppies are not all the same, even if treated the same, you will find different personalities within a litter, and therefore certain puppies may thrive in very active households, while others would prefer to just hang out on the couch with you, or be an only dog in the house. So please find the questionnaire below and fill this out so I can help match you with the right puppy. I need to understand your lifestyle and reasons for getting a dog, so I can place the right puppy with you. I would hope that as a puppy buyer, you would feel compelled to ask as many questions as possible to me and our trainer as well, covering all aspects of dog owning, activities with the dog/s lifestyle.

I am not in this to make much of a profit. If you sat down and figured out the cost from the initial purchase of a bitch as a puppy, raising it to adult hood, paying for all food, medical needs, training classes, health tests, show entries, motel and gas expenses to the shows, etc. you have a phenomenal amount of money invested before you even breed her! Breeding here is strictly for that next champion in the ring. I refuse to sell any puppy as breeding stock. Any responsible breeder would never do this. However puppy mills, pet shops or high volume commercial breeders/brokers sell strictly for profit and it's not because they care about the breed and sell all puppies intact with no guarantees.

Please do check out our LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S page for clearances on our dogs. Something I firmly believe in!

Purchase Information

Show prospects - are offered as what we feel is a puppy that is representative of the breed standard as stated by the AKC. There is no guarantee that the puppy will be a Champion, but at the time of sale was what we considered a show prospect puppy.

Companion/Performance - are offered only with spay/neuter  AKC "limited" registration papers are not turned over to the new owners until the proper paperwork receipt from your veterinarian is presented to fulfill the spay/neuter.  These puppies are no less a representative of the breed, but may have a conformational flaw that would not allow it to be as competitive in the ring. A dog with "limited" AKC Registration can compete in all AKC events except in Conformation classes.

We do health testing on all sires and dams and do not breed them until they are 2 years old and have Championed, and health testing is cleared. OFA'D & Chic #, HIPS, ELBOWS, PATELLAS, EYES, CARDIAC, THYROID, DENTITION, DNA'D, neWs, vWD, DM and more! All testing information is located on the website - LADIES page and GENTLEMEN'S page on the clickable link - website. We strive to breed dogs that are free of genetic defects but due to the nature of some disorders, can not guarantee that every puppy produced will not carry a defect or be affected by something later in it's life. That's just the nature of breeding, regardless of how hard you plan your breedings and test your dogs.

All puppies are placed with up-to-date shots and wormings. We also socialize the puppies with other dogs, and people. There are cattle and horses visible to them and has its advantages for different scenarios and species of animals. Puppies are also started on crate training, and learning to use the bathroom outside. It is our responsibility and goal that we have puppies that are happy, eager to please, inquisitive and outgoing when they leave for their new homes!

All dogs must be in the house with the family most of the time, poodles want to be with their people and are not an outside dog. If you plan on keeping him/her outside, then a poodle is NOT FOR YOU! Also never would I sell a dog to someone who ties/chains their dogs up. This is not acceptable. We do not place puppies or dogs in homes with underground fencing. You must be able to provide a fenced area to allow your dog to play off leash and not be afraid that it may run off or be attacked by another animal. We will consider placing dogs in families without fences but special conditions must be met in those situations.

If you happen to inquire about a certain sex, color, or personality, we may not have a puppy in any given litter that fits your wishes. Every litter doesn't come with all the variety. If you are too specific, we may not be able to help you right away, but perhaps down the road. We feel that we are able to better pick a puppy for your needs than you are. We are with them constantly, feeding, playing, cleaning, watching them, so know their needs better.

We have our professional Service dog trainer/teacher come and perform the VOLHARD - ABO - PERSONALITY and SERVICE DOG Testing. We encourage our puppy buyers who have placed Deposits for a puppy to watch via YouTube, and ask the trainer questions by phone. You may make an appointment to interact with the puppies, and make a choice of what puppy best fits your family application.

Puppy Questionnaire

Please fill out this application to assist us in knowing just what you are looking for and how you view your role as a dog owner. It also will help us be assured that our puppies will be going to the best homes possible and not end up being re-homed or in a shelter somewhere! All our puppies will be sold with the understanding we get the dog back if for some reason you are no longer wanting or able to keep him / her. Your information will not be shared with others, other than our daughter which is co-owner of our dogs along with our trainer/teacher who is performing the Puppy Aptitude Test to better assist you in making the right choice puppy as a good match.

Submitting this form will not automatically insure that we will be able to provide you with a puppy. This form serves as a way for us to get to know you better and ultimately place the correct puppy in your home.

Please do not hesitate to contact us about puppies at any time. I try to communicate well with each applicant but there are times when I miss a post or something is thought to be sent to me and it just doesn't arrive. I never feel that you are bothering me at any time with any questions! No matter how many! I am here to answer them all, now and in the future, even if you do not get a puppy from us.



Date *

Full Name *

Home Address *

Home/Office Phone*

Cell Phone*

Email *


Spouse's Occupation*

Do you rent or own your home*

What is your Veterinarian's Name*

Veterinarian's Phone Number*

Veterinarian's Address*

How did you learn about us*

Who referred you to us, if any?*

How old are you?*

Why a Standard Poodle?*

What is your time line in getting a new puppy?*

List the names of the adults in your home*

Along with their occupation and employer*

List the names of the children living in your home & their ages*

Any dog(s) previously in the past 5 years?*

What breed(s) do you have?*

Do you have any intact/breeding males or females?*

Are they still living/how old were they when they died & from what?*

Things you liked or disliked about them.*

Do you currently have any other pets in the home?*

Do you have any farm animals? If so, are they fenced in?*

Have you ever owned a Standard Poodles before?*

Do you prefer a male or female? Why?*

Which color are you wanting?*

Which type of personality are you looking for? Check only one.*

Purpose you are going to use this dog for?

If other for what? Are you wanting a Service Dog Candidate? If so, for what Service are you in need of?

Who will be the major caregiver of the dog?

Do all family members want a puppy?

Where will your dog spend the days and nights?

How many hours home alone each day?

Will you consider an older dog?

Will you use a crate for your dog?

Have you met a dog of the breed you are looking for?

Do you have a fenced yard?

Are you willing to physically restrain the dog when out of doors, if there is no fence?

Are you willing to neuter/spay your dog by 24 (twenty four) months, and no earlier than 24 months?

Do you plan to take your dog to obedience class for at least 6 weeks?

Do you live in a house or apartment?

Do you have any stairs?

Are you willing to keep me informed of any changes in your address for the life of the dog?

Are you willing to put the time into training your puppy, starting as soon as you take it home?

Are you interested in a SPORT/PERFORMANCE Co-own home in AKC/UKC ?

Do you want a dog with "limited" AKC Registration. They can compete in all AKC events except in Conformation classes.

Are you interested in a AKC "Full" registration Co-ownership (show/breed rights) If so, please Inquire.

Are you currently a dog breeder?

If so, what do you breed? How many years have you been breeding dogs? Do you show in AKC and/or UKC/International dog shows?

List 2 references with names and phone number for us to contact

Are you willing to sign a purchase agreement provided by me?

Where do you plan to be living in 6 years?

Getting a purebred Standard Poodle must have taken some great thought and finding a responsible breeder of them even more time consuming. We as responsible breeders take a lot of our time, money and emotions in to every litter. What do you think is the going rate of a companion/pet/performance Standard Poodle puppy? _______________________ A well bred, health tested, well tempered puppy with good basic socialization is surely more than a pet store puppy.

Please write a few paragraphs outlining why you want a dog and what you expect your dog to add to your family.

I hereby certify that all the information contained in this application is true and correct.

I certify that my purpose in acquiring a dog is primarily as a family pet.

I understand that this application is not an agreement to buy or sell a puppy but is a tool to aid in the placement of a puppy.

I understand no actual sale will be considered final until a contract is signed by and delivered to both parties.


Date of Signature

© 2004 Princetin Poodles LLC.

All Rights Reserved

DO NOT COPY​ without permission!

Culleen Martin  863-244-9952

South West Florida


We provide ground transportation and air transportation "in cabin" by our flight nanny, which is our service dog trainer of 35 years. Please fill out our puppy questionnaire for approval first, then you may contact her for a quote.  Thank you.

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