​Pr​i​nc​​etin​ ​Poodles​​
Show breeder of 23 Champions! Always improving the breed by AKC Standards going forward.

Housebreaking A Dog: Tips and Tricks To Help You Succeed
Think you're not up to the task of housebreaking a dog? Don't be so quick to throw in a towel. Housebreaking a dog is not as difficult as you believe it to be.
The trick is to take advantage of your pet's natural toilet habits that include:
- going at the same where other dogs do.
- going during certain times of the day.
- refusing to go in their sleeping area.
Dogs are creatures of habit. Keep this in mind when you're giving your dog toilet training. Some dogs learn quickly ? within a matter of days, in fact ? while other dogs take longer, perhaps weeks or even months. If you do not have a pup yet and are only thinking of getting one, train yours the moment you bring it home. The sooner you start potty training a puppy, the easier the process will be. Generally, puppies relieve themselves after they eat, after they play, and after or just before they go to sleep. Here are a few more tips to help make housebreaking a dog a breeze!
1. Set a Schedule - Take your puppy outside at the same time every morning. Feed your dog and then bring him outdoors right after his meal at the same time, too. Be sure to bring your pet to the same area outdoors, too. Sticking to a schedule can be a pain in the beginning, but when you're housebreaking a puppy, setting a routine is important. Your pet learns through repetition.
2. Associate the Action With a Command - Choose a word or a phrase that describes the action to your pup. It could be "Do your thing" or "Outside"?it doesn't really matter what word you choose. What matters is that you use this word consistently so that your dog learns to see it as command.
3. Watch for Signs - Did your dog just spend the last few minutes circling, sniffing, and pacing? When you're house training a dog, you have to be observant. These signs are indicators that it's time for your pup to go. Once you notice these signs, take your dog outside immediately. If you catch your dog in the middle of pooping, firmly say "no" and then take him outdoors to finish. If he does so, be sure to praise him.
4. Crate Your Dog When You Are Away - If you have to be out for a short time, put your dog in a kennel or crate. Your pet's first instinct is not to soil the area he considers his own, and this instinct will greatly help you in housebreaking a dog. A word of advice to the wise, however: do not keep your puppy crated for more than 4 hours. This period puts too much strain on the bladder and your pet may have to relieve himself out of necessity. If you have to leave for work, return at midday so you can let your puppy go outside. If this arrangement is not possible for you, ask a family member, friend, or neighbor to do it for you.
Finally, here are a few rules to keep in mind:
1. Praise your pooch when it's able to potty successfully.
2. Stick to a solid routine.
3. Never punish your dog for a pooping accident unless you catch him in the act.
Housebreaking a dog can take time, but don't give up. Persist and eventually, you will see results. Remember that instinctively, your pup wants to please you; you just have to show him how.
Be consistent. Be consistent. Be consistent.
Try to formulate a schedule and STICK TO IT.
Give puppy plenty of time outside and try not to return inside until they potty. Mornings, puppies poop twice, not once!
Reward and praise good potties.
Clean any accidents with vinegar.
Remember every month in age equals the maximum number of hours between potty breaks. If your pup doesn't seem to hold it quite three hours then shorten your time frame to something more manageable and work up.